The easiest way to figure out the model and year of your MacBook Pro, MacBook, MacBook Air, iMac, or Mac mini, is through the Apple menu. Find out what model and year your MacBook Pro is in the Apple Menu Though it doesn't tell you the exact year you struck the deal, you get a sense of its age. Luckily, Apple made it easy to discover the MacBook model name and its release year. After using the Mac for a few years, you may want to know how long the MacBook Pro will last but forget when it was purchased. Unlike other computer manufacturers, Apple keeps its Mac lineups simple with its name unchanged. What year and model is your MacBook Pro or MacBook Air? MacBook Pro/MacBook Air/MacBook models by Year Find out what model and year your MacBook Pro is by serial number Click on About This Mac and you will see your MacBook model in the Overview. Apples stock has split five times since the company went. Click on the Apple menu in the upper-left corner of your screen 2. Find out what model and year your MacBook Pro is in the Apple Menu When it gets How to check model number and serial number in Macbook pro, iMac or Macbook air. We also list the MacBook Pro models by year for your reference. This post will discuss how to identify your MacBook Pro's model name and its year through the Apple menu or by its serial number. Knowing about your Mac's age also helps you decide its value when trading in through Apple's buyback program or reselling to another person. Or when you are considering upgrading to a new Mac.

You may want to figure out the model and year of your Mac when you are looking to update the macOS, checking if it is compatible with the latest macOS Monterey. What Year is Your MacBook Pro by Serial Number?