Not many people realize this, but you can actually use your computer's Command Prompt to grab someone's IP address. You should see all the user's information, including their IP address, along with some tracking features that will allow you to do some in-depth research.

Click on the tracking code option, and paste the link you want to send to your target (can be a video).Start a conversation with them (make it engaging so that they will click on the IP grabber that you're about to send).Click on the message icon next to the user whose IP address you want to steal.Open the Discord application or website.To use the IP grabber site to get someone's IP address: I recommend the Grabify website as it has worked for me. There are quite a few on the market, so you have to be careful about the one you choose. Other than IP Resolver, another way to find someone's IP is through a grabbing tool. Wait for the tool to generate the IP and location of your target.